Saturday, January 25, 2025

Giving Thanks in January

27 Jan (Mon)

giving thanks to yue lian, new boss, yan ping, cherandy, evelyn, jeo, qi yi and sylvia for these cny goodies... jeo says the earrings will give me 旺旺 at my favourite game oh... 😍😍😍... everybody Huat ah!!! 

25th Jan (Sat)

陪蔡妹妹追星... took the effort to dress in their 应援色 of rose quartz and serenity with white... of the 13 members from Seventeen, 11 performed and 蔡妹妹 was so proud of me for being able to recognise all 11 of them within 90 minutes into the concert!!! 😂😂😂

enjoyed their performance lots even though i didnt know any of their songs nor understand what they were singing about... happy vibes songs by so many tall cute guys who can sing and dance... i like!!! 😍😍😍

luv the 绕场一周 segment the most and DK is the funniest, cutest, with the nicest smile and my favourite eye candy among the 11 that i 'met' today... 😍😍😍... oh, and boy, he luvs our chilli crabs and couldnt stop raving about it!!! 😂😂😂

24th Jan (Fri)

met up with my favourite mini boss for lunch @ 90 Minutes Korean Tteokbokki Hotpot Buffet... simple fare at only $12.50++ each after a 30% discount with Eatigo... 😍😍😍

23rd Jan (Thur)

Xy's hatchday meet up @ Kai Duck, Ngee Ann City

duck duck soup soup on a cold cold day = very full & satisfied tummy... 😍😍😍

Vv, knowing my eye candy luv for 战战, purposely took me to 'him' on our way to the train station... heee 

22nd Jan (Wed)

no class today so left work @ 10.30am to go collect these super duper cute CNY meringues cookies from CrunchyTeeth... only 70 sets available and lucky me managed to get my hands on two sets!!! 😎

9th Jan (Thur)

survived my first mri... not as scary as i had imagined it to be... another case of 自己吓自己... 😅😅😅

8th Jan (Wed)

giving thanks to 暖暖心 colleagues... Jeo gifted me this tube of sunscreen after hearing my complains about my 'new' sunspots during our Aston lunch last week while Ai Rin gave me a thank you note & cookie for her hatchday prezzie... 😍😍😍 

4th Jan (Sat)

had a terrible night of sleep... had a terrible moody's a day where i shouldnt be left alone to 胡思乱想 胡思乱骂 so super thankful when joyce invited me over to gym together and thankful for kakis who suggested, sponsored and participated in our first ever mask-jong together too... 😂😂😂


original plan was to title this year's monthly entry as "MicroJoy in..." as inspired by the book "MicroJoys" that i read in May last year... but I had used "Joy in..." just in 2024 and MicroJoy in 2025 does sound like a downgrade in retrospect... 😂😂😂

nopx, i'm not gonna jinx my 2025... my life can only get better and be better. Since i'm reading on how practicing gratitude is an amazing tool to help children (and me) build our happiness and well-being in "My Happy Mind", i decided to tweak it for this year's monthly headers... 

and for today, i am giving thanks to :

> wise & flexible leadership that allows me to sleep in a little more and to wfh today

> the efficiency and resourcefulness to finish all that i had to for Art & PAL... no math this year!!! HooWoo!!! 

> the determination to complete book #1 of the year "My Happy Mind"

> the anti-laziness to go out for lunch just so to have the much needed veg intake and for my 7km hamster walk walk which allowed me to bump into uncle wan!!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Home Sweet Home 3.0

 been listening to jeo and hf excitedly chirping about their home purchase since sept last year, tagged along to one of their reno consults and even went furniture viewing with them in JB last oct... make me so 心痒痒 till i also wanna do an update on home sweet home...

search search search and found my floor plan!!! 

happily 'building' home sweet home 3.0 in my head!!! 

as of today (22 Jan 2025), i wanna :
  • change my work area from the left to the right of the living room
  • move massage chair from the right to the left of the living room
  • get a new sofa
  • move into bedroom 3
  • have a pole system as my walk-in wardrobe + foldable doors
  • dinning area to be converted into pet corner 
  • change the kitchen flooring
  • polish the marble flooring 
  • enhance the common toilet 
  • a new coat of paint 

~ 😍😍😍 ~

< Ideas for My Bedroom >

wall paper?!?!?! 

one pole for my dresses, one pole for tops and one for bottoms... then gonna get 6 to 8 stackable cabinets for foldables & bags... i just like to 一览无遗 everything in my wardrobe at any one time... 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Art SG @ MBS

Perks of being an art cher... sponsored visit to ART SG @ MBS as part of PD LJ organised by ⭐... 😍😍😍

this series of painting by artist Barry McGlashan makes me feel peaceful and...


so lonely

hmmm.... what happened???... meant to be... 

我的童年... 老夫子 and friends are like the chinese version of Mr Bean and had kept little me very entertained whenever i  accompanied mummy for her haircuts... 

my favourite!!!... i want this on my whiteboard wall!!! luv the texture, luv the vibrancy in the colour, luv that the blue flowers 'bursting' out of the canvas at me... this makes me happy!!!😍😍😍 

and it was sold in the same moment when i was admiring its beauty... so surreal to see the staff walked over to affix the little red dot sticker onto its label to indicate that it was sold!!!

my second favourite!!! luv the colours, luv the playful vibe it brings to the space!!!

my third favourite!!! am awed, impressed with the limited palette that artist Hoon Kwak used, yet shows so much details... SEE the RAIN!!! 

 cases of "i can do this also lo" "but u didnt!"