Thursday, November 30, 2023

云深 @ Rong May Glass Bridge

a 2 minute lift ride up to 云深不知处... 

雾浓到什么也看不到, 更别提忘羡了... 

本该有山, 有路可以看, 但放眼望去, 都是雾, 就自由想象吧 !!!

 自得其乐 - ing

wanna try but not enough guts.... 

没胆在雾里走摇摇桥, 有胆在 ( 冷冷的 ) 雾里吃 ice cream... 🥶🥶🥶

被小小狗绕着咬我裤子... 😅😅😅

caught the sunset just before we leave... 

Dropped off @ Sapa town for our own exploration... 

走着走着, 走进一间 给她们按摩, 给我洗头 + 擦指甲油 的店

这么多颜色 选来选去 还是选了

yummy hotpot dinner @ the hotel... shiok shiok on a cold cold night... 

@ Cat Cat Village

@ Cat Cat Village that doesnt come with cats at all.... much to joyce's relief... 😂😂😂

30 minutes of many many stone steps downwards with local shops & eateries along the way... 

this 'Come back' signage was everywhere at this attraction... it's casting spell at all of us to 'come back, come back, come back' to Sapa (i say)... 😂😂😂

locals @ work

spotted a mini supertree on our way to lunch... 😂😂😂

yummy lunch @ this 里里外外都 red red 的  Red Dzao House restaurant 

checked in to our stay to rest & wait for the 'best' time to go see sunset @ 云深不知处... 😂😂😂
these two pics taken late @ night ... 

very spacious & clean room and toilet .... i like....