Friday, January 4, 2013

ATPP exhibition - Cube & Shackles

As mentioned in the Rainbow Tree post, i need to create two 3D art work for the exhibition..... took me a really really long time + alot alot of stress + alot alot of trial & error before this second 3D artwork is successfully created..... =S

(2) Lego Cube & Shackles
Title: Blood ties
A cube with five sides is never complete, just like a family without a sensible dad

this piece of artwork is my 4th attempt at trying to make something to represent people and things which are tying me down in Singapore, stopping me from venturing out for work &/or extended period of 放飞..... 

really really glad that i had visited The Art of the Brick exhibition.... else i think i would have submitted the disastrous looking product of trial (3) below for the exhibition..... wahahaha


1st attempt: tape ball & shackles

initial idea was to make a baggage and decided to use Mark Jenkin's tape sculpturing technique to create the baggage.... i wanted a hollow base so that i can put in things to present things / people which are tying me down 

i took out my 1st ideal base = Mummy's Bonia luggage.... 

stared at it for a good 10 to 15 minutes and decided against it.... it dosen look like something that ties ppl down..... 

think think think ..... and the ball & shackles which i saw in Tuol Sleng Genocide museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 3 years back came to mind.... it's something that ties / weighs a prisoner down.... it's something that prevents freedom.... and that's what i want to portray.... 

look look look around the house but couldnt find any sphere-like object.... so created my own with things i found in the kitchen cupboard..... heeee

mid production - using layers of newspaper and cling wrap to buff it up to the size i wanted.... it must be big enough to house my art portfolio which i wanted to use it to represent my art career, one of the things that's making me think twice about leaving Singapore 

and after going round and round with 2 big rolls of tapes and removing the base, this was how it looked like 

 but it looked so filmsy....=S.... 

1st trial --> FAILED


2nd attempt: wire ball & shackles 

saw this wire display outside FaceShop one day and decided to make a wire ball & chain instead

went all the way to Art Friend at Bras Basah and gotten some wires but they are not easy to work with at all.... they tangled up easily, they dun stay in place and they hurt my fingers.... =S

2nd trial --> FAILED


3rd attempt: paper mache ball & shackles wrapped in aluminium foil 
look at it already know is super cui liao..... 

3rd trial -->FAILED

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