Saturday, October 9, 2021

娘 娘 我 四 十 了

first, took a wefie with the person who gave birth to me 40 years ago... 😍😍😍

though i didnt watch the show, the many many fb videos on making Honeycomb Toffee (Dalgona Candy) eventually caught my attention and hence this hatchday activity... =P

Angela acceded to my out of the blue request (as usual) and her JW 爱屋及乌, participated also... heee... gomawa... 😊😊😊 

though only needed 2 ingredient - sugar + baking powder... it required skill and perseverance to get it right... =S

our failed attempts... =S
flattening it way too too too early (above pic) 
flattening it too early (below pic)

蔡三宝 looked so cute here while hawk-eye-ing the candies hardening yet still must be soft enough to make an imprint with the cookie cutter stage... 

tatatata - 7 successful ones after 2 hours of hard & hot experimentation.... 

packed for the squid game watchers in my life... =P

蔡四宝 trying out the hack to improve the success rate... it worked.... after many many licks !!! 😂😂😂

Prep for my 生日大餐 - we believe in, the more cooks, the better!!! wahahahaha.... 

cake from hatchday twinnie aka 蔡四宝's soon-to-be-wifey who couldnt join us due to OT... and reused the 糖糖 四岁了 candle that cy & yuan bought

窝在 Angela's 房间陪我追小男朋友的 《这!就是街舞 4》


今年的我回到二十三, 二十四岁的心态和状态, 没有家庭负担,没有工作压力, 没有感情约束,回到了那个无时无刻都可以无忧无虑只为自己而活的每一天... 


每天因有你你而甜滋滋地醒来, 甜滋滋地过每一时刻, 甜滋滋地进入梦乡

我喜欢  我爱上了  我乐在其中

让接下来的每一天都这么平静, 惬意, 舒适, 甜




在小老公的生日,要了小男朋友代言的牌子当本娘娘的生日礼物 😍😍😍

luv these lovely earrings 😍😍😍

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