Monday, January 2, 2023

Troll Hunting @ Palawan Beach

yesterday's plan was to darkened my 'more golden than golden retriever' hair to be work ready in 3 days time but ended up with this greenish hair instead... 😂😂😂... decided not to waste this pretty colour by going on a me-date to Palawan Beach, Sentosa to hunt for GIANT TROLLS by Artist Thomas Dambo

beware... this post contains ALOT ALOT ALOT of selfie just because i think my hair was pretty, my make up was pretty, my new shades covered my biggest flaw and the bright sunlight made the aging lines on my face not so obvious... 😍😍😍

pretty pretty glass flowers by artist B. Jane Cowie, an Australian artist residing in Singapore


spotted my troll#1 kiao-ka-ing across the water so crossed the 遥遥桥 in the hope to see him up close... 

WHAT the ???? Why like that ???
abit teeny weeny sad that i could only see him from afar... 

好像我躺着看 handphone 的样子... 😂😂😂

lucky me got to lie down on one too...😍😍😍 

troll #2 was the easiest to spot as it was suntanning right in the middle of the beach... but also because it was just lepaking there in the very open... 
i wonder if the aim of their day was to be in as many strangers' pics as possible leh?!?!?!? 😂😂😂

by right, there's an interactive map that allows me to input some coordinates to pinpoint the locations of all 4 trolls... but by left, i just couldn't navigate nor understand the map, ended up walking all the way from Palawan Beach to Tanjong Beach... realized overshot by super alot then back to Palawan Beach... 😅😅😅

才终于在Palawan Beach 远远 远远的一个角落,被树木包围的一个角落,看到 troll #3


but also happy that it was in such a secluded corner cos it allowed me to take as many pics & videos from any angle i want... 😂😂😂

small feet vs big big feet

troll #4 是问了两位沙滩清理员,从 Palawan Beach 的最一边走到最另一边,还要爬石头才找到的... 

took me 1 hour 45 minutes to complete my hunt... 热死老娘了... so rewarded myself with a soursop popsicle... 😍😍😍

i think i darkened by at least a shade despite sunblocking... and i really like this accidental hair colour... so duper sad that it had to be covered up by tomorrow to be ready for work... 😭😭😭

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