back to the chuas for MORE CHUAS CNY GOODIES !!! ...we are so lucky that 蔡小妹 can cook and is willing to cook... 😍😍😍
matchy matchy 蔡小宝 & wifey for Prassad's engagement party... 最萌身高差...💕
Alfred was lazy to be out & about so we four ladies went ahead with our CNY outing to Chinese Garden but first, dinner @ Eden Cafe... the two seniors took the forks for their mee siam so 蔡小妹 and I had to make do with chopsticks for our pasta... 😂😂😂
the two of them smile with a wink!!! 😍😍😍
very pretty garden with pretty pagodas, bridges and pavilions... 😍😍😍
morning coffee time then nua nua abit before tabao-ing 2 tupperwares of chua's chap chai & 5 ngoh hiang back to home sweet home
heating up 1/4 of the chap chai and cooking my first pot of rice since covid time in my mini rice cooker from mx!!! 😂😂😂
my 小宝贝 looking utterly disappointed in me for not being at home much these few days seh... 😅😅😅
super thankful that i have a family big enough to be able to enjoy the festive noise and festive vibe yet also small enough to 废 together during this festive period... 😍😍😍... really ate alot alot these 3 days that i went for a 10km walk!!!
back to having steamboat as our cny reunion dinner on mummy's request...
蔡妈咪's new 口头禅 is "这么多 这么多"...
thank you 蔡小妹 for being in charge of preparing so many ingredients for the steamboat section, buying the new steamboat pot and grill set to make reunion dinner more pleasant-ful for Alvin who doesnt like steamboat and also coming up with the ingenious idea to let Asti have her own pot and grill due to our different diet needs... 😍😍😍
thank you Asti for being an amazing 辅助
thank you 蔡小弟 and 蔡小 wifey for being in charge of the grill section
and 蔡家三老 formed the 什么都不用做 就有得吃 trio!!!... and Angela even made sure that i have my own 'fei zai' (肥仔) drink at original level of sweetness...😍😍😍
《 蛇年 之 '蛇plus' 多多 !!! 》
身体健康 笑容多多 子女孝顺 钱多多多
3rd year where giving ang bao to the little chuas is just a 仪式感 for 蔡妈咪...
added in a little candy note of wishes and thanks into their physical ang bao this year with the e-$$$ credited just before /at midnight...
luving our ATMs from Alvin & wifey... 😍😍😍
蔡妈咪 happily went to bed at 9 plus since her old folks arent around anymore while the rest of us kept ourselves awake with this hilarious k-drama on Netflix...
squeeze squeeze 乐 with Angela for the night at 2am after 3 episodes... 😴😴😴
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