Saturday, November 30, 2024

Joy in November

30th Nov (Sat)

was too tired from my Hong Kong trip + it was raining the last two days so only went to pick Snowie yesterday... Alfred in Japan, Angela dog sitting at her friend's place so i stayed overnight to keep mummy company and to bring her out for brekkie this morning... 

23rd Nov (Sat)

Happi 5th year and thank you for entertaining me with all your 物料s these last 2 years!!! 😍😍😍

20th Nov (Wed)

farewell prezzie from mini boss after an intensive 3 hours plus of adrenaline-high happiness @ our annual art room throw throw throw, give give give, take take take day...😍😍😍

then to Mamamia to meet the StarChamps for dinner...😍😍😍

19th Nov (Tue)

last day of official 'on site' work... 😍😍😍

18th Nov (Mon)

Best JPS Art Team ever @ Sultan Turkish Restaurant... yummy food and even yummier dessert... how come the turkish food i had in Turkiye not as yummy as these seh???  

16th Nov (Sat)

fpps @ Nas's wedding... Selamat Pengantin Baru... 🥳🥳🥳

which became a mini reunion with my own art chers, Nicola & Tricia from Drawing Right and David from Adv Dip... 😍😍😍

early dec babies hatchday celebration @ Wheeler's Estate with 3 towers of 🍺🍺🍺 and plenty of 自己坑自己 drinking rules... 😂😂😂

thankfully for the 3 sets of songs from Shirlyn + The UnXpected that gave us a break in between the drinks... 

15th Nov (Fri)

perks of being in team photobooth for prize presentation... on duty throughout the 2.5 hours so got to take pic with whoever i want and whoever wants me... 😂😂😂

thanks Nilli, 你真有心... appreciate it lots... cya next chers' day... my turn to prep you a gift pack in return... 😍😍😍

met up with claire for okay only salad & this yummily sweet Strawberry Peach Melba Kakigori @ Assembly ground 

before meeting up with the rest of the nies ladies @ Gourmet Park Kampong Bugis to celebrate our dear Laurice's hatchday... 

14th Nov (Thurs)

farewell lunch @ Sanchos for my favourite mini boss... 😭😭😭...

13th Nov (Wed)

海底捞 - ing with 2021 P4 fts

12th Nov (Tue)

spent 3 hours in the library to complete this book that i borrowed 6 weeks ago and is due today after an extension... 😂😂😂... a glimpse into the life of the rich as the author shares about his hobbies of calligraphy, cigars, walking canes, guns, knives, antiques, beds, flights, tea, books, movies etc etc

11th Nov (Mon) 

P . A . M  unite for sixers' graduation video... 

walk walk with joyce

8th Nov (Fri)

belated hatchday celebration with ordered-in A1 porridge and Swensen's Sticky Chocolate ice-cream cake so solid hard that it 'had' to be cut with a chopper...😂😂😂


cute macaroons from Alfred

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