Monday, January 1, 2024

Planner is ready for 2024

Using a book planner is a habit that i picked up since i was 15 to keep track of (home)work to be done & deadlines... it was even identified as an item that has the greatest impact on me in a blog challenge i did 12 years ago...

ex-big boss gifted us at least 3 notebooks in the last few years so i used one of them as my work planner for 2023...

< a Mon to Fri only monthly view >

< a one for all, all for one weekly view >

also in this work planner are this & that & these & those about work and this art scheme of work is one that i refer to the most... 

as can seen... a work planner is really just a work planner for me... record work info & work deadlines... period!!!... so boring, so un-artsy for an art cher seh!!! 😒😒😒

chanced upon this video from my favourite art cher and decided to include something similar into my next work planner... i really should be doing a little more artsy sketch &/or doodling given my profession...😅😅😅

one video led to another video, one idea led to another idea... 心痒痒 + 手痒痒 so made good use of the 3 marking days in October and the many many days after to beautify this notebook that i received as cher's day prezzie into Work Planner 2024... 

was surprised to learn that there's something super duper big about using a planner called Bullet Journaling aka Bujo developed by Ryder Carroll in 2013... According to him, bullet journaling method is an analog system to track the past, organize the present & plan for the future. It has its own suggested structure, a book and even an online course on it. 

way too structured + too tedious for me... but i'm super thankful to the gazillion creative individuals who created and shared elaborated versions of their bullet journals online and who inspired me to create my own version of work planner with a fun fun activity to keep me entertained every month... 😍😍😍

< January   一 月 >

activity of the month is to design 一 个 tattoo that represents 蔡家... it is something that i have been thinking of getting for the last 1 or 2 years 了... i like line tattoo, i like minimalist tattoo, our family chat group name is 🐭🐔🐴🐶🐷 based on our zodiac, 一 线 (one line) animal drawing is in my P1 art curriculum... want to combine all these elements together and hopefully doodle out a design that will become permanent on me in 2024... 😍😍😍


 < February   二月 >

two is a pair... shall do still-life sketch of things which i have / see in pairs in this month... top on my list are my Chanel earrings... 😂😂😂


< March   三月 >

three's a crowd... three sounds like tree so i googled 'tree bullet journal idea' and a tree theme mood tracker caught my attention... inspired by it and modified it into a healthy habit tracker to track my daily steps and veg consumptions in March... 

clocking steps has became a permanent lifestyle change since Oct 2021 based on the 21/90 rule that states that it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days for it to become a permanent lifestyle change... hopefully this veg consumption tracker can encourage and motivate me to eat more veg daily... my body needs the iron in spinach, broccoli & string beans!!! 😂😂😂


< April   四月 >

四叶草s are rare to find & lucky to have... so April shall be a month of gratitude where i jot down people &/or things that i'm lucky to have in my life... 😍😍😍


< May   五月 >

May captured painful memories in 2018 and in 2023... thankfully, it's also a month of many happy memories & celebrations; mother's day & hatchdays of angela, snowy, mx, michelle, julia & cherandy...  

yet to decide what portrait style would i have of them though... totally 不信任 my human drawing skill... 😰😰😰... worse comes to worst, take pic, print pic, paste pic... wahahaha... 


< June   六月 >

世界那么大, 我只去过 16+1 个国家 😔😔😔... travelling to at least 2 new countries per year shall be my goal for next year... 

June is my favourite travel month cos the weather around most part of the world is in my favour... me no like cold cold winter travel... activity of the month is to jot down details and/or research of my june travel and my packing list...


< July   七月 >

google on what's special in july and found out that it's the month of Great Singapore Sale... i'm not a fan of GSS, would not really 买 买 买 during this specific month, in fact, might even avoid malls because of the crowd... i'm more of a school holiday weekday + mood shopper... 

an empty wardrobe to sketch in my work attire in this month then to show off my clothing 战利品 over the years...😅😅😅


< August   八月 >

was meant to be a red white Singapore theme but made the mistake of using pink highlighter to represent red... colour scheme wrong 就不是新加坡 spread le... no mood liao so 就草草了事, 画草草了... 😂😂😂

but i like my activity of the month... gonna jot down and/or draw things that are uniquely Singapore in this Singapore's A to Z activity to commemorate Singapore's 59th year of independence; singlish, mrt, cpf, hdb, u-save, gst ... 


< September   九月 >

September will always be teachers' day month for me... dosent matter that it will be on 30 August 2024 instead... 😅😅😅

left the pages as they are as the activity of the month is to paste the little notes, doodles, stickers that the little ones gift ever so randomly... 😍😍😍

*the pages are really thin in this notebook... 😖... that's why the activity pages are always created on paper then pasted onto the pages... 


< October   十月 >

my favourite month... my hatchday month... so a hatchday tracker for all whom i love and love me... 😍😍😍


< November  十一月 >

no activity pages for November cos either i will be too busy with year end work stuff or being too excited over the upcoming holiday till no mood to do any activity in the planner or it would be i rather be busy decorating a new journal for 2025!!!... 

December doesnt even have a monthly spread cos i no work in December (except for that 1 or 2 days before school reopens for the following year) means no task to do nor deadlines to keep track of...woohoo... even if have will also be noted in the following year planner... 


cover page cannot be too boring with just my name.... 😎😎😎

gonna go around and ask family & friends what are 3 fun facts they know about me and the most popular 3 will be 'gumball-ed' on the left and hopefully can also 筹集 40 others on the right by the end of the year...  

been a few years since i last reflect @ year end and set resolutions for the year ahead... what i used to have at the top of my list nearly cost me my sanity & life but thankfully, most of the rest eventually became part of life... 

will focus on what i can do to make my life better & happier instead of wishing what others should do, and with inspiration from the many many many videos i watched about bullet journaling, i created these trackers to monitor my resolutions for 2024 since there are so many pages left in the planner... 

'Losing weight' is behaving like a permanent 'resident' in my yearly resolution since my mid-thirties... 😓😓😓... it's starting at 55kg this year... ideally it should be between 51-52kg... 💪💪💪
also keeping track of all the (happy) cheat days !!! 😓😓😓

gonna replace my excessive mindless screen time with bedtime &/or weekend reading and learning korean using the duolingo app... hope these two trackers will keep me on track... 🙏🙏🙏

The ultimate goal is to be able to converse in korean by the next trip to korea, hopefully in 2025?!?!

also decided to be more diligent at keeping home sweet home cleaner or at least less dusty... 😅😅😅 

never had a problem with finance... just love to see my numbers in totality only...  😂😂😂

Lastly, wishing for a peaceful boring 2024... 😍😍😍

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