Sunday, November 12, 2023

Ahh! Fairy in the Enchanted Forest

officially titled "Enchanted Forest"...

 but i just wanna call it "Ahh! Fairy" to make it into a Ahh! series with last year's production; "Ahh! Alien"... 😂😂😂

did jie jie's duty and helped to promote the production to close friends and colleagues with little ones... thank you julia, charis, cy & yuan for supporting Booming Cherries' second production!!! 

am also very happy to know that 70+ kindergartners came for the first show the day before and enjoyed it lots lots... 😍😍😍

Flower Power !!! 

Yeah... early birds got the best seat in the house; on the centre carpet !!! ... Every one luvs being near to the action and being able to participate in the show... 😍😍😍

the cast impressed me once more with their humour, adaptability, ease on stage, clear articulation... 👍👍👍

Luv the whimsical lightings too... 😍😍

"Do you have any food in your bag???" quipped the sassy fox 🦊

the earworm tagline that got the kids chanting along... Allie even used it to encourage herself while crossing the road... 😂😂😂

Desiree was a pro at the balancing act !!! 

kiddos helping Explorer Lena & Fairy Sunny to win the Angry Goblin in a game of Tug of War!!!

Foxy pose with the cast !!! 

Craft time - Animal Cup Puppet !!!... 

had invited XY's baby chia #1, who is already 15 this year, marcus to be part of the crew... 

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