Saturday, July 13, 2024

Chuas is INKED

it all started in 2016... zaza got inked, then mx got inked...and both their tattoos are the 美美 dainty dainty kind... not the dark dark fierce fierce kind that will 吓死人... 😂😂😂

 so i also wanna get inked... and to me, my tattoo must definitely be where it can be seen and admire easily... else like not worth it to go through the pain of getting needle poked for hours leh... 

but my job doesnt allow me to show off this artistic work on me... i remembered googling about the different placement of tattoo and the pain level one has to endure...

my first choice was a ring tattoo but gave up the idea upon seeing the above tattoo pain chart... fingers are one of the most painful area to be tattoo-ed on... 

second choice was having a bracelet tattoo... i was spotting a diy black ink drawn bracelet while in Oasis, hoping that when it got permanent, it would go unnoticed... 😅😅😅

was promised a Hermes Collier de Chien to hide the bracelet tattoo at work too... well, couldnt decide on the design as i wanted the bracelet tattoo not only to be cute and pretty, it must hold meaning dear to me... 一等再等, 一拖再拖... 就忘了... 也就没了... 😭😭😭

then on 25th June 2019

this was an impulsive rushed decision... one moment we were seated at ponggol clinic... the next moment we were on the way to the tattoo parlour... this symbol was googled and decided in less than an hour... the roman numeral was our date in MM DD YYYY format... a design he had in solid block on his right side-ribs... 

we finally parted 8 months later yet i continue to have this tattoo staring at my face as i want it to serve as a daily reminder to 不要再被骗... 不要再恋爱脑... 单身几 shiok 一下... 有钱 有时间 没烦恼...😂😂😂

anyway, getting tattoos can be addictive... especially after seeing more and more people around me having theirs so the idea of getting a bracelet tattoo kept lingering in my mind... 

so i tot that using my bullet journal would hopefully make this wish come true this year but it was a conversation about tattoos with the nies ladies back in March that got the ball rolling... the moment Mab got hers done in May, it was my turn to contact the same tattoo artist, 7thscapes... 

Finally !!! 😍😍😍

the chuas' zodiac 

URGENT next-to-do task - get the ugly one lasered off !!! 

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