It was like a major secondary school gathering cos both bride and groom were my secondary schoolmates who got together 6 years ago.... who would have thought of them getting together and 白头偕老-ing while we were back in school more than 18 years ago???? and they claimed that they had not spoke to each other in the 4 years of secondary school life as they were never in the same class.... heeee..... anyway, super happy for them to 修成正果 oh... 真的是恭喜老爷,贺喜夫人啊!!!!
top 3 of their pre-weding photos which i mega luv... so sweet!!!
and so cute!!!!
with the pretty bride.... 真的是女大十八变... 有了Mr Tey 的爱, siew mei 变得好瘦好美喔... =)
top 3 of their pre-weding photos which i mega luv... so sweet!!!
and so cute!!!!
with the pretty bride.... 真的是女大十八变... 有了Mr Tey 的爱, siew mei 变得好瘦好美喔... =)

so cute... the groom as a 'chao ah beng' and the bride as a goody two shoe in school uniforms for their second march-in.... would be even more perfect if they got hold of our old graph paper school uniform which was scrapped in 2004 to make way for the new design that does not require pupils to tuck in their tops.
传说中有 top class 的脑袋却有 normal tech behaviour 的 4/7
their wedding video which was edited to include their vows and all 26 of us, riversidians ... =)
mega RSS turnout.... a total of 26 of us and we auto went into girls on the left and boys on the right mode siah..... heeee
with pretty partner from secondary days and chubby baby ethan....
the babes of table 18
class monitor, teck vee, looking good with his korean styled hairdo .. ;-)
with the gal whom used to walk home with me from school |
with the blissful couple at table 18
din manage to take plentiful of photo as i was too shy to go around asking to take picture with everyone ... should have done it even before entering the ballroom ... =S...
heart shape luggage lock in pretty packaging as wedding favours... i like.... =)
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