Friday, September 29, 2023

庆中秋 with light - ups & mooncake making

24th Sept (Sun)

service @ Ding Tai Feng, MBS was really awesome... we were led to our table by an AI staff and human staff were all so attentive & efficient that any empty plates, bowls & xiao long bao baskets were cleared within a minute after being emptied and our teapot was constantly being refilled even before it was halved.... 👍👍👍

What a shock i had when i saw the rain after we finished dinner.... didnt weather forecast state that there's only 5% of rain at Gardens by the Bay?!?!?!?! 

Well, there was nothing ice cream couldnt solve... so to Venchi we went and true enough, the sky cleared and we could still go see see look look at the pretty light-ups at Garden of Blooms... 😇😇😇

可可 爱爱 的 兔兔 with a 西瓜皮 hat !!! shouldnt it be a 柚子皮 hat for mid-autumn ??? 


aiyo, all these lanterns reminded me of  the back-breaking collaboration with PKCC seh.... 😅😅😅

29th Sept (Fri)

got this all inclusive diy mooncake set from Bakestarters @ $93.45 to play masak masak at the chuas as part of 中秋's bonding ... 😍😍😍

provided with this video to rewatch & rewatch so that we could follow step by step... 
Really really grateful for the chuas who will 陪 me in all my attempt to do this, do that and also wont get frustrated with me when i mess things up... 

just like for this diy mooncake making activity... i didnt expect that it would take us about 2 hours of chopping, mixing, kneading, rolling, wrapping & moulding... 

ES was the main chef and kept us going with her 'passion passion, energy energy' chant throughout... i wasnt feeling optimal from the sudden pain half way in and Alvin had to serviced me with heat pack & chamomile tea... and thank you Alfred for testing the mooncakes and assuring us that they were edible + rather tasty and for cleaning up the whole area after we are done...😅😅😅

a total of 36 mini moon cakes 'assembled' in 4 unique flavours; 

gula melaka lotus filling in pandan snowskin
osmanthus + honey lotus filling in oolong snowskin 
orea + chocolate chips lotus filling in cocoa snowskin 
earl grey + chocolate rice lotus filling in cocoa snowskin  

蔡妈咪 ate 2 for breakfast the next morning... she says "very nice"... 😍😍😍

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