on the bus to brekkie and on the way we saw primary kids lining up to enter school, a building among other buildings...
am really curious how a Hong Kong school looks like from the inside... everything indoor??? field??? parade square??? playground???
there, there... what made you so sad ?!?!?!
authentic dim sum breakfast experience in Hong Kong unlocked...
servers decided that we shall have 3 value meals to save $$$ and so we did... 😂😂😂

cab waiting took quite a while during morning peak hours but lucky to 一 来 就 来 两 辆... =)
hong kong cab rides are expensive... we took 3 cab rides on this trip and each cost between S$30 to S$45... =S
surprised that the toilet cubicles were clean enough with sufficient wipes... there's counters to keep track of usage on each cubicle too... 👍👍👍
this trail is supposedly so super friendly that our cab driver told us it's 走山 (hang san) and not 爬山 (pa san)...
claire took charge of my haversack which contained half of our group's water supply... 😂😂😂

daring 后羿 wanna-be who 'walked' up this mountain with a bow & arrow just for this pose... 就不怕连人带弓箭一起滚下山?!?!?
a medusa in the wind...
the view was worth the walk up this mountain, especially in this amazing weather... dont even mind doing the 8km route... 😎😎😎
hear the wind!!!
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