Saturday, June 8, 2024

Day 4 of Turkiye : Hierapolis & Cotton Castle in Pamukkale

appreciate that there's something interesting at most of the pit stops and at this one was yoghurt with honey & poppy seeds @ 100 lira (S$4.13)... 


another big big doggie just lepak-ing 

41 lira is S$1.70... considered expensive for a country whose average annual income was 94000 lira in April 2023 and the then exchange rate had it equivalent to usd$4872... what a rude discovery i had when i found out that 94000 lira is now only usd$2870 based on today's (17 June 2024) exchange rate... 😨😨😨... usd$2k just disappeared like that seh?!?!??!?!... 

According to tour guide, this road leading up to where we were heading to next was where the starting scene of Ghost Rider, featuring Nicholas Cage, was filmed... 

Ancient Roman City in Ruin

曾经的辉煌 已面目全非

< Cotton Castle Travertine Terrace >
created over time by hot springs and streams depositing carbonate minerals at various levels down the hillside... pics of this place was MAGNIFICANT but nah, its glory is long gone due to inconsiderate and excessive use... sustainable tourism is missing... =S

no try cos dont like to get my feet wet... 

luv the overcast dark clouds that made these pics look so dramatic... 

such a PRETTY pink sunset... 😍😍😍

Night stay @ Lycus River Hotel ... have indoor & outdoor thermal pool, gym & swimming pool... 

... but too tired to even go take a look at any of them eventhough we did have our gym & swimming attire in our luggage... 😴😴😴

Angela had an emotional roller coaster ride that started with a 2-part episode of a sickening dream that emo-ed her that whole day until a drink date request from a Turkish man with a nice voice came to uplift her spirit for the rest of the trip... oh, and I got to 在线吃瓜... 😲😲😲

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