Friday, June 7, 2024

Day 3 of Turkiye : Cardak Underground City & Goreme Open Air Museum

level 3 roof top view of our hotel 

took a short walk outside our hotel since we were ready earlier... i was satisfied with our room but i just feel that it wasnt  cave-y enough given that it was stated as a cave hotel... 😂😂😂


rock/earth formations opposite our hotel that are yet to be carved and shaped into accommodation... 

the rest were in the Turkish Jewellery Store on the other side of the road while Angela and I were on this side enjoying the view... 😂😂😂

people can buy evil eye ornament to hang on these botak trees @ usd$1 (S$1.35)... 

< Turkish Carpet Weaving Centre >

Angela was recruited as a carpet weaver while the two kiddos were engaged as the carpet durability & softness testers

my favourite piece VS
the most impressive piece 

< Cardak Underground City >
there are a few hundreds of such underground cities in Cappadocia alone... they were created and expanded room by room, space by space to protect the inhabitants from invasions, allowing thousands of people to live in total secrecy in the eighth and seventh centuries BC...😱😱😱 

although i couldnt really tell which room from which room, especially those which were left empty... from online info, the rooms could be cooking rooms, dry food storage rooms, classrooms, wineries, animal stables, worship rooms etc etc... basically an entire civilization was tucked safely underground in each of these underground cities...

these cities were abandoned in 1920s and rediscovered 40 years later... and although they are called UNDERGROUND cities, the one we visited had us climbed slope and steps to reach it... 😅😅😅

failed attempt to lock all of us in... 😂😂😂

according to tour guide, camels are not native to Turkiye, they are imported in solely for the purpose of taking pics with tourists at a fee?!?!??!  

more fairy chimneys structures resulted from wind erosions on hardened ash & lava due to volcanic eruptions millions of year ago... early Christians in this area carved them into homes and churches and painted Biblical scenes in the interior... 

lesser pics here cos after two days of these fairy chimney rock formations, they lose their 新鲜感... 😂😂😂... not much pic of the painted Biblical scenes inside the churches (rooms) cos apparently it wasnt allowed... 这两是偷偷拍的... =P

finally found a magnet in the cute cartoon-y style that i like to represent this Turkiye trip at the museum shop here... 😍😍😍... Angela also got one for herself... 50 lira (S$2.07) each... 

enjoyed a pistachio ice cream with waffle cone @ 150 lira (S$6.20), highly recommended by tour guide... 

ice cream alone - NO like!
ice cream eaten together with waffle cone - Okay! 

< Avanos Pottery Village > 
What an an interesting entry and it's in a cave!!! 

mini bowls that cost usd$5 (S$6.77) each... i would luv to assume all these were HANDMADE by the artists at this pottery place... cos saw very similar ones selling at other souvenir shops for as little as usd$1 (S$1.35) each... 有被骗的感觉... 😭😭😭

dogs here are really huge !!!

spotted ponding on our way back to the hotel... and found out there was ponding in our hotel room too cos i didnt close one of the windows tightly shut after i took the morning video!!! 😓😓😓

 Staff was activated to mop our room and to change the bedsheet even though they were super busy cleaning the open space within the hotel too... =P ... and thank god, Angela had closed her luggage which was left right next to the window... 🙏🙏🙏

sad that camera not powerful enough to take a better pic of the faint rainbow... =S 

should have an early night instead of going along to watch traditional Turkish performance at an ancient cave theatre that came with free-flow alcohol @ 8.30pm....  most of us woke up @ 4am for the hot air balloon experience but how come i was the only one who was so super duper sleepy seh... 😴😴😴 

Scissors - Paper - Stone... 3 vs 3... It's a draw!!! 😂😂😂

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