Sunday, June 9, 2024

Day 5 of Turkiye : Paragliding in Pamukkale & House of Mother Mary

my heart beat spiked a little when tour guide asked if we wanted to paraglide... after double & triple confirming that there wouldn't be any/much free fall, i decided to go for it and Angela just had to 舍命陪姐姐... what's paragliding to her when she sky-dived before right?!?!?!... paid usd$180 / pax for that 10+ minute of thrill... bucket list checked!!! 

picked up at 5.30am and we were at the 'jump off' site by 6am

pilot was assigned to each of us with a digital wheel of names... 😂😂😂

3rd to go... ready to fly!!!

the sweet deal with this experience is that pics & videos are included but i wasnt expecting to be transferred a total of 79 pics & 3 videos... never have i taken so many wefies within such a short period of time before... 😂😂😂

was caught by surprised when my helmet was removed once we were in air... 

wooooo..... hot air balloons!!! 
even got to fly near one of them to wave hi to the people in it... 😂😂😂

the tiny bit of free fall during the descend got me squeaking a little... 😂😂😂

my sassy sister from launch to touch down 

my thoughts: 
skip the hot air balloon experience and go for paragliding instead... save money, can wake up later & more exciting!!! 😁😁😁

a happy drive back to the hotel to change, made up, nua abit, breakfast (-_-) then off we went again for a whole day of touristy stuff...

 又是一个 package tour 的悲哀... exclusive invite to shop 'against' our interest... this place sells unauthorised branded products at a much reduced price... not my kind of shopping... 

but i was very happy here cos i could read the korean words on the yellow sigh... < chim dae e / ant ji / ma se yo >... word for word translation is "bed / sit / do not"... 😂😂😂

a can of sprite and toast with ketchup, cheese & beef @ 160 lira (S$6.62) at the day's pit stop... expensive seh, somemore not nice one... =S 

lesson on the bus : Turkish alphabet & the benefits of olive oil... 😅😅😅

tried all the flavours of the Turkish Delights (Lokum) ... hmmm, no like even though it's considered similar to gummy which is my favourite type of sweets... 

I very much preferred Turkish Halvas... but damn ex at 400 lira (S$16.50) / box and i had to lug them up and down the bus every day from this day onwards cos i was worried that the chocolate coating might melt if left in the luggage which would be in the bus luggage compartment... =S  

nice gesture!!! 

lunch (-_-) 

tried to read the korean version.... failed miserably... gave up after the first 5 words... 

according to the tour guide, it was recently clarified that this key-hole shape 'hole' was used as a well opposing what it was thought to be the baptismal pool previously... oopx!

quite a well taken accidental shot of dont know who... 😅😅😅

this is the tiny stone house of Mother Mary but no pic allowed inside!!! =S 

holy water & wishes on cloth... Amen 

This house was discovered based on one's interpretation of one's recount of one's vision... some questioned its authenticity... i asked what if?!?!?!?

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