Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Day 7 of Turkiye : Spice Market & Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

bought this pretty bottle of lime juice at the petrol station pit stop... 难喝死了... drank one mouthful, the rest went into the basin and the bottle on display @ home sweet home... 😅😅😅

Lavender field & an aeroplane cafe spotted along the way from Canakkale back to Istanbul on our last full day in Turkiye... 

fishy lunch and tour guide very persistently insisted on deboning Angela's fish as demo...😏

i was so glad that i insisted on having a vegetarian lunch; hot plate mushroom & brinjal with rice koped from Angela... 😍😍😍 

a compulsory optional tour @ usd$75 each... totally not worth the price... 😅😅😅 

waiting for the seagulls that never came.... =S

< Spice Market >

many many stores all selling about the same thing; spices, Turkish delights, dried fruits, dried flowers... listened to tour guide's recommendation, all of us bought at least 1kg (small box) of this super yummy Turkish delight that was selling at S$45/kg... 

< Grand Bazaar >

another few thousands of stores selling the same things again...  3 out of the 6 families decided to just follow our tour guide to his usual coffee place to lepak at the same venue during our 1 hour OTOT... 托妹妹的福, free smoothie... 

it's really nice to see random animal feeding for the nation's cats and dogs that stay on the street... 

I wasnt hungry from the big cup of smoothie and was planning to skip dinner but seeing 5 菜 2 汤... FINALLY food that i was familiar with... 我吃了两碗饭 !!! 😍😍😍

Night stay @ La Quinta, Istanbul

view from our room 

< 隔天回家了 !!! >

wasnt hungry at all, also knew that we would be served food on the flight, i was still drawn to the fast food restaurants at Istanbul Airport... 

my tummy was very happy but my wallet felt very pain seh.... this chicken tender set from Slim Chicken cost S$28... 😭😭😭

because of one's endless request and/or complaint, she got an 'upgrade', 一环扣一环, 2 of us got to enjoy 3 seats for our 10+ hours flight (thankful for 2nd chance)... 😍😍😍... and because of this, i FORGAVE you... but NO, i still dont wanna have you nor your alikes anywhere near me... 烦死了 !!!

woooo.... sambal fish... 😘😘😘

妈咪回来咯 !!! 

lor mee, wanton mee, lok lok, cai png; 我回来咯 !!! 😂😂😂 

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