Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Day 1 of Turkiye : Topkapi Palace Museum @ Istanbul

booked a 10N7D Turkiye package tour with ASA @ $2559/pax ... reported to Changi T3 @ 10.45pm for our SQ flight... glad to find out from our Tour Lead, Bella, that there were only 16 signed-ups... 人少, 问题少 - my logic... 😁

战战 was at T3 to send us off too... 😍😍😍 

after an 11+ hour flight and with a 5 hour difference, we arrived at Istanbul airport at approx @ 8.15am

brushed up & freshened up quickly then went to change usd$100 into Turkish lira at one of the airport local bank counters... 3% commission and left with 200 lira ($6usd worth) at the end of the trip...

happy to secure my favourite seating arrangement though we were the last two to board the bus...

round 2 of refreshing up with hydrating sheet mask and make up on the bus... 😂😂😂

chose Turkiye as this year's travel destination cos i wanna explore new countries... and Turkiye caught my attention because of its association to hot air balloons... since we were on package tour, i didnt bother to do any research so first impression of Turkiye based on its street view really surprised me...

background commentary for most of these bus view videos is from our local tour guide... 😅😅😅

1st place of visit - Topkapi Palace Museum @ Istanbul...
this palace museum holds a huge collection of porcelain, robes, weapons, Ottoman miniatures, Islamic calligraphic manuscripts as well as other Ottoman treasures and jewellery... 

expensive enough for gunned security at its entrance... 

人山人海 但还好 地方够大 没有到得排长队的程度

really is castle shaped seh!!! 


paparazzi-ed a stranger just cos colour combi looks nice... 

my favourite artifact, a chess set, from this place of visit 

water cooler that's no longer in used.. 

this cobblestone walk path reminds me of Italy seh... 

super sunny but heng, low humidity so no sticky & smelly feeling... 

原来 Pocahontas 的 Sycamore tree 是长这个样子的

many many seagulls @ the first courtyard... 

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