Monday, June 24, 2024

JOY in June

24 June (Mon)

lovlies from colleagues' & kiddos' travel 

23rd June (Sun) 

next door neighbour gifted these two cute cupcakes from her son's Home Economics exam practice... can pass!!! 😂😂😂

21st June (Fri)


20th June (Thur)

took my 小 Gucci along to accompany 蔡妈咪 for her review @ National Skin Centre then to lunch @ Platform 1094... 

before meeting up with PAL's pals to go say hi to Cherandy's newly adopted cat, Chaggi

19th June (Wed)

treatsure lunch @ The Westin & ice cream @ Creme and Cone with Sylvia then dinner @ Tora-San with the nies ladies... 

mab had enough of pic & video taking that she didnt want to smile for the food pic so we took it as a trend...😂😂😂...the food was really NICE and service was great @ this restaurant even though our pic looked otherwise... =P

and my first Gucci bag arrived !!! 😍😍😍... thank michelle for lugging it all the way from Japan... i luv it... it's so cute!!!

Thanks Laurice & Michelle for the travel goodies too... 

14th June (Fri)

on 8 hours Candy 姨姨's duty before meeting up with XT & Ah Niu Niu for a catch-up catch-up... 

these two were 2/3 of my FIRST ever group of oversea travel kakis to Bangkok way back in 2002... 😂😂😂 

4th June (Tue)

one of the three books that i koped from Angela... a poetry book... no rhyming sentences, no climax, no conclusion... 读不懂... 😅😅😅

sent my 小宝贝 to mummy's place for an 8 day stayca... 

3rd June (Mon)

Zhuan was invited to do a storytelling session for the series of English children's books by two local authors which she had assisted to translate into Chinese. Jio-ed Julia and her two gals to come along too.    

Bought two books for the little teos and got Zhuan and the author to sign and pen a few words for them... 

2 June (Sun)

happy to be part of ah niu niu's & wifey's wedding celebration @ JW Marriot, a ballroom with many many pretty danglings

Alvin came back from Japan last month with this big duffle bag from Gucci, one of the brands that 肖战 is the 全球代言人 of... 

Alvin said because of the strong S$ coupled with weak yen, the bag cost $1k+ cheaper... i was like why u no tell me earlier?!?!?... and he was like, "jie, when are you into branded stuff?"... "hmmmm, since i started 追星-ing?!?!?!" 😂😂😂

Long story short... Michelle is in Japan...

so exciting... i have a mini matchy matchy bag with 战战 & Alvin... 😍😍😍   

1st June (Sat) 

还好有你一起 boing 整天

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