Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 6 of Turkiye : Bergama Acropolis & Trojan Horse


a happy day started with a can of iced coffee each!!! the best consumable at our breakfast table... 😂😂😂... i luv supermarket...  

the humongous sun @ 7am.... 

"han yeong" from the leather jacket store 

we were invited to watch a fashion show... we were seated machiam like celebrities @ 品牌时装周 and i gotten the best seat... right at the front end of the runway...😂😂😂

有彩蛋 in the video!!! Angela was so spontaneous when invited up the stage!!! 

we were given a number card and a pencil to mark down any jacket that we were interested in... to be honest, some of the jackets were really pretty... luv how the models swung and flipped the reversible jackets about on the runway... 

but leather jacket not my style leh... told Angela that i would need to learn to ride a bike to match this leather jacket that i like most from this store... 😂😂😂

and for their pricing (in usd), i would rather buy a pair of Gucci shoes or Chanel accessories that i would don on more often... =P 

i made tour guide's day when refusing to be the lightbulb in the cable car 😉

couldnt find the entrance to Angela's holy ground #2 but she claimed that she touched the ceiling of the ceiling of the ceiling of the theatre since we were were where the arrow was pointing at... 😂😂😂

sibei unglam... 😂😂😂

Let us out!!! It's freaking HOT in here!!! 

😍😍😍... luv all the frames... 

my favourite  摆拍 on this trip... 


Buffet Lunch (-_-) 

 Trojan Horse > 
the OCD in me wanted to push the top half of this sculpture 'back' to be aligned at the edges...  

This clapboard Trojan Horse was the one used in the 2004 movie "Troy". It was donated to Canakkale, this city that's adjacent to the archaeological site that was once the ancient city of Troy, by the film’s producers. 


inaccurate sundial 😂... this pic was taken at 6.24pm... 

consolidated bus view of the day...

so thankful for this cake section at dinner time else i would rather skip dinner again... =D

another trip to the nearby supermarket to get Turkish give-away

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